Friday, April 29, 2011

38º Salão Internacional de Humor de Piracicaba/2011

1 - DATAS - O 38º Salão Internacional de Humor de Piracicaba/2011, realizado pela Prefeitura de Piracicaba/Secretaria de Ação Cultural/Centro Nacional de Humor Gráfico de Piracicaba obedecerá as seguintes datas - Inscrições: até 20 de julho. Seleção: 06 e 07 de agosto.
Premiação: 20 e 21 de agosto. Abertura: 27 de agosto. Encerramento: 16 de outubro.
Artistas profissionais e amadores, podem inscrever trabalhos que não tenham sido premiados até a data de encerramento das inscrições. O tema é livre. Os trabalhos - para todas as categorias - podem ser enviados através de: VIA CORREIO ou VIA ELETRÔNICA (inscrições pela internet, dentro do formato JPGE e 300 DPI, imagens anexadas de uma única vez).
A técnica gráfica é livre. Cópias digitais, devidamente assinados pelo autor e indicados de que se trata da impressão número 01 e esculturas, com teor humorístico, também serão aceitas.
Medidas máximas permitidas: em papel – 42 x 30 cm (A3), esculturas – 42 cm (altura) x 30 cm (profundidade) x 30 cm (largura).
Cada artista pode inscrever no máximo 03 obras por categoria. Cartum (humor gráfico com temas universais e atemporais), Charge (humor gráfico com temas jornalísticos da atualidade), Caricatura (humor gráfico que expressa os traços físicos e/ou de caráter de personalidade conhecida), Tiras (arte gráfica em seqüência, com enredo que se fecha em um formato padrão, usualmente publicado em colunas de jornal) e Vanguarda (somente para trabalhos que abordem o tema Alimentação proposto pela organização do evento). Feito um banquete a ser devorado, a questão da alimentação é um assunto de múltiplas abordagens e sabores. Enquanto alguns se fartam de todo tipo de alimento, outros continuam sem o básico. O exotismo de alguns hábitos alimentares ligados a fatores culturais. O crescimento da população de obesos pelo mundo afora e a preocupação para manter a forma. O fast food e o slow food. Os alimentos transgênicos... Enfim, será mesmo verdade que somos aquilo que comemos?
Junto aos trabalhos inscritos o artista deve anexar a ficha de inscrição preenchida de forma legível. Também é solicitado currículo resumido e foto para catalogação no banco de dados e pesquisa do CEDHU.
Endereço correio:
38º Salão Internacional de Humor de Piracicaba/Secretaria Municipal da Ação Cultural – Av. Maurice Allain, 454 – Caixa Postal 12 - CEP 13.405-123 - Piracicaba – SP Brasil
Endereços eletrônicos:
Categoria cartum:
Categoria charge:
Categoria caricatura:
Categoria tiras:
Categoria vanguarda:
Serão conferidos prêmios num total de R$ 35.000,00 (trinta e cinco mil reais), valor aquisitivo da Prefeitura do Município de Piracicaba, assim divididos:
a) Cinco prêmios de 1° lugar, no valor de R$ 5.000,00 (cinco mil reais) cada, divididos entre as categorias.
b) Um prêmio de R$ 10.000,00 (dez mil reais) denominado GRANDE PRÊMIO SALÃO DE HUMOR DE PIRACICABA, escolhido entre os cinco premiados de cada categoria.
c) Para o vencedor do Grande Prêmio do Salão e primeiros colocados de cada categoria, serão atribuídos troféus, autoria do cartunista Zélio Alves Pinto.
d) Será conferido também um prêmio no valor de R$ 3.131,11 (três mil, cento e trinta e um reais e onze centavos), exclusivamente para a categoria caricatura, valor aquisitivo da Câmara de Vereadores do Município de Piracicaba.
Outros prêmios e menções poderão ser instituídos, a critério da Comissão Organizadora.
Haverá um Júri de Seleção e outro de Premiação composto por pessoas capacitadas na área.
Caso o júri de premiação constate alguma espécie de fraude ou plágio em um ou mais dos trabalhos inscritos, poderá cancelar o prêmio conferido. O resultado da premiação poderá ser contestado até uma semana após a abertura do Salão, com provas cabíveis de quaisquer irregularidades cometidas sem o conhecimento do júri.
A simples inscrição obriga o artista a aceitação do presente regulamento. Os artistas selecionados, cedem automaticamente os direitos autorais de sua(s) obra(s) para reproduções e publicações em qualquer suporte, de forma irrestrita, objetivando a divulgação do evento. A devolução dos trabalhos após o encerramento da exposição, deve ser solicitada formalmente na ficha de inscrição. Caso contrário os trabalhos passarão a pertencer em definitivo ao acervo do Centro Nacional de Documentação, Pesquisa e Divulgação do Humor Gráfico de Piracicaba, que passa a exercer o direito de propriedade, conforme seu interesse.
A organização do 38º Salão Internacional de Humor de Piracicaba não se responsabiliza por possíveis danos que possam acontecer no envio ou devolução dos trabalhos.
Os autores premiados (inclusive menções honrosas), transferem a Cessão dos Direitos Autorais do(s) seu(s) trabalho(s), em conformidade com a Lei nº 9.610 de 19 de Fevereiro de 1988 (Lei dos Direitos Autorais) de modo total, universal e definitiva, em todas as modalidades de utilização e a título gratuito, resguardados pela referida lei, referente(s) a(s) obra(s) premiada(s) no Salão Internacional de Humor de Piracicaba, que passam a integrar o Patrimônio Público Municipal para todos os fins de direitos, em conformidade com a Lei Municipal nº 2.249 de 1976, alterada parcialmente pela Lei Municipal nº 2.486 de 1982 e consolidada pela Lei Municipal nº 5.194 de 2002.
19 3403.2620 - 3403.2621 – 3403. 2615

38th International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba/2011
The 38th International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2011 will be held in accordance with the following schedule: Applications: until July 20st, Art Selection: August 06th and 07th. Awards: August 20st and 21nd. Opening: August 27th. Closing: October 16th.
Professional and amateur artists, Brazilians and foreigners can apply unpublished artworks that were not awarded until the closing date for entries. The theme is free.
The works - all categories - can be sent by MAIL or ELECTRONIC MAIL (applications over the Internet, in the format and 300 DPI JPGE, attached images at once).
The graphical technique is free. Digital copies, signed by author and indicated that it is print number 01 and sculptures, with humorous content will also be accepted Maximum measures allowed: paper - 42 x 30 centimeters (A3) (16,54 x 11,81 inches), sculptures - 42 centimeters or 16,54 inches (height) x 30 centimeters or 11,81 inches (depth) x 30 centimeters or 11,81 inches (width).
Each artist may enter a maximum of 03 works per category. Cartoon (graphic humor with universal themes and timeless), Charge (graphic humor journalistic themes nowadays), Caricature (graphic humor that expresses the physical and / or personality character known), Comic Strips (graphic art in sequence, with plot closed in a standard format, usually published in newspaper columns) and Vanguard (only works focussing on the theme Food, proposed by the organization). “As a feast to be eaten, the food issue is a subject of multiple approaches and flavors. While some are filled with all kinds of food, others are still without the basics. The exoticism of some dietary habits linked to cultural factors. The growth of obese population around the world, and the concern to keep in shape. Fast food and the slow food. GM food ...
Anyway, is it true that we are what we eat?” Along with the work entered the artist must attach a completed registration form with letters legibly. It is also requested reduced curriculum and photo, for registration in the database and search CEDHU.
38º Salão Internacional de Humor de Piracicaba/Secretaria Municipal da Ação Cultural Av. Maurice Allain, 454 - Caixa Postal 12 - CEP 13.405-123 - Piracicaba - SP Brasil
E-mail Adresses
Cartoon Category:
Charge Category:
Caricature Category:
Comic Strips Category:
Vanguard Category:
The Awards are a total of R$ 35,000.00 (thirty-five thousand reais), acquisitive Municipality of Piracicaba, divided as follows:
a) Five (05) prizes of 1st place in the amount of R$ 5,000.00 (five thousand reais) each, divided among the categories.
b) One (01) award of R$ 10,000.00 (ten thousand reais) called GRAND PRIZE INTERNATIONAL HUMOR OF PIRACICABA chosen among the five winners of each category.
c) For the winner of Grand Prize of International Humor of Piracicaba and for the first place winners of each category will be awarded trophies by cartoonist Zélio Alves Pinto.
It will be awarded a prize of R$ 3.131,11 (three thousand one hundred thirty-one reais and eleven cents), exclusively for the caricature category, purchasing value from the City Council of Piracicaba. Other awards and honors may be imposed at the discretion of the Organizing Committee. There will be a Selection Jury and an Award Jury composed by people with acknowledgeable talent in the area. If the Award Jury finds any type of fraud or plagiarism in one or more registered works, the Jury may cancel the award. The result of the award may be contested until a week after the opening of the Exhibition, with reasonable evidence of any wrongdoing without the knowledge.
A simple application requires the artist to acceptance of these regulations. The artists selected transfer automatically authorial rights of his artworks for reproductions and publications in any media, without restriction, aiming to promote the event. The return of the artworks after the closing of the exhibition is to be formally requested in the registration form. Otherwise the artworks will ultimately belong to the collection of the Centro Nacional de Documentação, Pesquisa e Divulgação do Humor Gráfico de Piracicaba, which will exercise the right of property, as its interest.
The organization of the 38th International Exhibition Humor of Piracicaba is not responsible for possible damages that may happen when the arts are sent or returned. Besides the completed registration form legibly, the reverse of each artwork should bring the following information: registration category, author's name, artistic name, full address, telephone number, e-mail, CPF and Identify Registration (ID) and bank data. Send also a résumé and a photo to cataloging on the database and search of CEDHU. The authors transfer automatically Authorial Rights of his artworks when awarded acquisitivetely (include mention), in accordance with the Law n° 9610, February 19st, 1988 (Authorial Rights Law), therefore, universal and definitely in all use modalities and gratuitous, the rights of the author, guaranteed by the mentioned law; referring to the awarded artworks in the International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba and now integrant part of Municipal Public Property for the purposes of entitlements, in accordance with the Municipal Law n° 2249, 1976, partially amended by the Municipal Law n° 2486, 1982 and consolidated by the Municipal Law n° 5194, 2002.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


WORK SEND BY e-mail:
JPG 300dpi resolution
PRIZES: 1000 euro
400 euro
300 euro

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


- Associação dos Cartunistas da Roménia está a preparar uma grande exposição.
- Nós convidamos você a participar deste projeto cultural.
Para isso, você precisa enviar o retrato ou caricatura do Ion Luca Caragiale (  )
e/ou Mihai Eminescu (  )
- Será que também imprimir um catálogo de todos os desenhos da exposição. O álbum será enviado a todos os participantes
- A arte deve ser de 300 dpi de resolução e tamanho de 21x30 centímetros ou mais.
- Ele também enviar a foto e um breve esboço biográfico do artista. Eles serão impressos no álbum.
Endereços de e-mail:  ;
O prazo para apresentação de desenhos: 15 de maio de 2011.
Desejamos-lhe muito sucesso,
Nicolae Iontia (  )
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
INVITACIÓN – Internacional exposición de retratos y caricaturas
- Asociación de Caricaturistas de Rumanía está preparando una gran exposición.
- Te invitamos a participar en este proyecto cultural.
Para ello, tiene que enviar el retrato o caricatura de Ion Luca Caragiale (  )
y/o Mihai Eminescu (  )
- También se imprimirá un catálogo de todos los dibujos en la exposición. El catálogo se enviará a todos los participantes.
- Dibujos digitales debe ser una resolución de 300 dpi y el tamaño de 21x30 cm o superior.
- Asimismo, enviar la foto y una breve biografía. Que se imprimirá en el álbum.
Las direcciones de correo electrónico:  ; La fecha límite para la presentación de dibujos: 15 mai 2011.
Le deseamos mucho éxito,
Nicolae Iontia ( )

Friday, April 22, 2011

Museo de Humor Grafico Diogenes Taborda

Assunto: Propuesta Museo Taborda
El presidente de la Fundación Cultural Volpe Stessens, y director del Museo de Humor Grafico Diogenes Taborda ,Jorge Omar Volpe Stessens, te invita a participar en una exposición colectiva de Humor Grafico y escrito a realizarse con la temática relacionada a “la industria minera .............hasta la mina de los lápices”, si queres participar envíanos tres obras de tu autoría relacionadas con el hallazgo de los yacimientos mineros, los problemas ecológicos originados por la explotación minera, la explotación del petróleo y otros metales, las mujeres y las joyas, los metales preciosos, entre otras temáticas relacionadas a los minerales. La Exposición se realizara dentro del marco de actividades culturales del Museo de Humor Grafico Diógenes Taborda programadas para el año 2011 con motivo de la Noche de los Museos de Buenos Aires, Argentina 2011.

Si estás de acuerdo en participar de esta exposición envíanos a la brevedad posible por mail adjunto 3 trabajos de tu autoría en blanco y negro o color, en un tamaño que no exceda A4, digitalizado a 300 DPI en CMYK y en formato TIF o JPG . También adjuntar un documento de Word con tu nombre, dirección, teléfono y una breve biografía a  –  ,
Sin más, quedando a la espera de una respuesta satisfactoria, un fuerte abrazo y desde ya muchas gracias por tu colaboración desde el Museo Taborda.
Jorge Omar Volpe Stessens
Director Museo Diógenes Taborda

Tuesday, April 19, 2011



The Surgut Fine Arts Museum invites you to participate in the International forum of visual humor KARIKATURUM 6.
Terms of the contest can be found on our website:
Forward to your participation!
Sincerely, PR-specialist Surgut Fine Arts Museum
Anton Sitdikov 8(3462) 516-812 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 8(3462) 516-812end_of_the_skype_highlighting SHM-SURGUT.RU

Monday, April 18, 2011


El más destacado caricaturista Colombiano nacido en Rionegro - Antioquia (1894 - 1931), llamado " El Emperador" de la Caricatura.
Uno de los más perspicaces y finos humoristas latinoamericanos del siglo XX, en su obra el humor fue sátira, se caracterizó especialmente por la caricatura política.
Sus caricaturas eran verdaderas radiografías de los hechos y de los individuos. Fue pionero de la publicidad gráfica en Colombia.


Apoyado por la Administración Municipal de Rionegro durante diecisiete años consecutivos en homenaje a Ricardo Rendón Bravo.
El Festival, único en la historia del país por su trayectoria y continuidad; ha permitido mirar la percepción de autores de más de 85 países, protagonistas de los cambios y vivencias de los pueblos que con el mismo humor aportan al crecimiento de la humanidad.
El pensamiento risueño y su idioma universal, con la Caricatura logramos el sueño y el anhelo universal de borrar fronteras tanto territoriales como ideológicas que nos impiden vivir en armonía y visualizar la luz de la libertad como principio de paz y convivencia.

Las Condiciones :
1) El Concurso está abierto a todos los caricaturistas de el mundo.
2) El último día para la participación en el concurso es el día Martes 7 de Junio de 2011.
3) Los Temas del concurso son Tres:
1. ARTES VISUALES. ( Las Artes Visuales son formas, expresiones de arte que se encuentran enfocadas preeminentemente a la creación de trabajos que son visuales por naturaleza como ser).Dibujo, Pintura, Escultura, Grabado, Fotografía, Instalaciones, Performance, Video y Diseño.
2. Personajes. Artistas FERNANDO BOTERO A. – ELADIO VELEZ VELEZ ver biografías  y
Tema 3. LIBRE.
4) Cada participante puede presentar en el concurso un máximo de dos caricaturas por tema.
5) Se puede participar con caricaturas en blanco y negro o en color.
6) Las caricaturas enviadas han de tener como máximo una dimensión de 30 x 40 cms.
7) También se puede participar en el concurso con caricaturas que ya hayan sido publicadas o premiadas con anterioridad, todas las caricaturas presentadas deberán ser originales, no se aceptarán fotografías, fotocopias, etc, y el envío de las obras correrán por cuenta del participante.
8) Los participantes han de enviar un breve currículum vitae y una fotografía junto con sus obras.
9) En el reverso de cada caricatura debe ir el nombre, apellidos, dirección, número de teléfono y país de origen del participante.
10) Los Caricaturistas seleccionados recibirán un catálogo.
11) El jurado estará compuesto de caricaturistas Colombianos y extranjeros.
12) Los resultados se anunciarán en el mes de Julio de 2011.
13) Las caricaturas presentadas en el concurso no serán devueltas.
14) El hecho de llenar la solicitud de participación y entregarla, implica que los concursantes aceptan y autorizan a Cartoonrendon la publicación de su caricatura o sus caricaturas en medios impresos, representación y reproducción en aparatos de audio y/o video con todos los derechos, incluido el traspaso de estos derechos a los terceros sin limitación de tiempo, lugar y número de veces de su publicación; aparte de esto Cartoonrendon tendrá el derecho de exponer, archivar, publicar en Internet u otros posibles medios de publicaciones no mencionados aquí, dichas caricaturas sin ninguna limitación de ningún tipo. Con la entrega en sí de la solicitud de participación se considera delegados estos derechos a Cartoonrendon.
15) La organización se reserva el derecho de exhibir aquellas obras que entienda puedan atentar contra derechos individuales o colectivos.
16) La Participación en el concurso supone la aceptación íntegra y sin reservas de estas condiciones.
Los Premios :
1) Gran Premio Tema ARTES VISUALES 2000 Dólares
2) Premio Tema personaje “Fernando Botero” 500 Dólares
3) Premio Tema personaje “Eladio Velez” 500 Dólares
4) Premio Tema Libre 500 Dólares
5) Premios Especiales por diversas instituciones.
Dirección :
Los Trabajos deben enviarse a:
Palacio de la Cultura / Cr 50 # 48 - 05, Rionegro Antioquia COLOMBIA


The Outstanding Colombian caricaturist born in Rionegro-Antioquia (1894-1931), call "The Emperor" of the Cartoon. One of the most penetrating and fine Latin American humorists in the XX century, in their work the humor was satire, it was characterized especially by the political cartoon. Their cartoons were true x-rays of the facts and of the individuals. It was pioneer of the graphic publicity in Colombia.

The Festival is an event sponsored by the municipal administration of Rionegro during seventeen serial years in memory of Ricardo Rendón Bravo.
The Festival, only in the history of the country for their trajectory and continuity; he has allowed to look at the perception of authors of but of 85 countries, main characters of the changes and experiences of the towns that contribute to the humanity's growth with the same humour. The laughing thought and its universal language, caricature is the most effective weapon against the thought that does not laugh.
It is a dream and an universal yearning to erase frontiers so territorial as ideological that prevent us to live in harmony and to visualize the light of the freedom as principle of peace and coexistence.

The Conditions
1) The contest is open to all cartoonists all over the world.
2) The deadline for entries is June 7 – 2011
3) The themes of the competition are Three:
Theme 1. ARTS VISUAL, (The visual arts are forms of art expressions found preeminently focused on job creation that are visual by nature as being). Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Printmaking, Photography, Installations, Performance, Video and Design).
And theme 3. Free.
4) Each participant can present in the competition a maximum of Two cartoons for theme.
5) You can participate with cartoons in white and black or in color.
6) The size of cartoons will not exceed 30 x 40 cms maximum.
7) You can also participate in the competition with cartoons that have already been published or rewarded previously, all the presented cartoons will be original. Photographs, photocopies etc, will not be accepted, and the transport of the cartoons in charge of the participant.
8) Participants are requested to send, together with their cartoons, a short curriculum vitae and a photograph.
9) In the reverse of each cartoon he/she should go the name, surname, address, telephone number and country of origin of the participant.
10) The selected Caricaturist will receive free a catalogue.
11) The jury composed of Colombian and foreign cartoonists.
12) The results will be announced in the month of July of 2011.
13) The cartoons presented in the competition won't be returned.
14) By filling in the entrance form attached, the participant declares and accepts in advance that (s)he has turned over the financial rights (s)he holds over the cartoon or cartoons vis-à-vis the public to Cartoonrendon without limitation on location, time period and number the intellectual property all rights for publication.(S)he agrees that Cartoonrendon may use such cartoons, exhibit them, keep them in its archives and publish them on the internet or through other media.
15) The organization is reserved the right of exhibiting those works that he/she understands they can attempt against individual or collective rights.
16) The Participation in the competition supposes the entire acceptance and without reservations all the conditions.
The Prizes :
1° Grand Prix Theme “ARTS VISUAL ” US 2.000
2° Prize Theme Artist “ ELADIO VELEZ VELEZ “ US 500
3° Prize Theme Artist “ FERNANDO BOTERO “ US 500
3° Prize Theme FREE US 500
4º Special Prizes offered by various institutions.
Address :
The works should be sent to :
Centro Cultural / Cr 50 # 48 05, Rionegro, Antioquia COLOMBIA

Thursday, April 14, 2011


1. Any artist, amateur or professional, can participate in this competition, as it is a competition which is open internationally. 2. The competition theme is: “Caricatures of Spanish or International athletes (basket, football, tennis, etc...) who plays or compete in group or solitary in Spanish Teams”
3. Only one original piece of work will be accepted from each participant. The piece must be original, not have won any prizes in previous competitions or have been published anywhere else. Any pieces which are considered, according to the criteria of the judges, to be similar in any way to other well known artwork will be disqualified immediately.
4. Artwork can be executed using any pictorial technique within a maximum scale of A3 (420 x 297mm) or a scale which is proportional to this. Digitally formatted work will also be accepted. In this case the work must have a resolution of 300ppi and be presented in JPG or JPGE format.
5. If any text is present in the work it must be translated into Spanish or Catalan.
6. Artwork must be presented within a sealed envelope together with the details of the participant (name, surname, address, nationality, telephone number, email address, etc). Work can also be sent by email to the following address:  , with the participant’s details in another document attached to the same email. It is advisable for artwork that is not digital to be colour photocopied and hand signed. All original artwork will be returned to the artist once the competition has finished.
7. The final admissions date for artwork is 8 May 2011.
8. From 12 May 2011 artwork will be exhibited in the shops that are members of the Association of the Lleida Eix Comercial (Shopping District), and will be duly labelled. Prior to this a panel of specialist judges will be convened, formed by one representative of Humoralia, another from the Shopping District and two professionals who will judge the 200 best entrees, which will be exhibited. These artworks will also be exhibited on the Eix Comercial (Shopping District) Association website. The judges reserve the right to declare the prize null and void if the quality of the originals is insufficient or if there is little or no public interest.
9. The artist is obliged to give up all image copyrights for the artwork presented for its publication and exhibition, both physical and digital, as well as publishing them in a catalog, which can be downloaded from the web Humoreix. Once the work has been judged and finalized it will be returned to the artist. The organization pledges not to use images of the winning piece, or any other award winning pieces, without prior permission from the artist. Moreover, the organization will take full responsibility for the originals from the moment they are received until the finalization of the competition.The organization promises to inform the contestants of the reception and acceptance of the participating artwork via email or publication on the Eix website.
10. One prize only of €1,500 will be awarded to the winning entry.
11. The verdict will be decided by public vote over the Internet using the Shopping District’s website in a first phase. Only allowed one vote per person. In a second phase, a qualified Jury composed by representatives persons of the Commercial Association “Eix” and Humoràlia will decide between the 3 most popular votes, wich was the winner. The judges’ decision will not be open to appeal.
12. The verdict will be released during the 3rd and 4th June 2011
13. Participation in the competition means the acceptance of all terms and conditions. Any doubts or problems that may arise during this time will be dealt with by the organization through a memo to its members.

1 Puede participar en este concurso cualquier artista amateur o profesional, siendo un concurso abierto internacionalmente.
2 El tema objeto del Concurso es: "Caricaturas de deportistas españoles o internacionales, que juegan o compiten en grupo o en solitario, en equipos españoles ."
3 Sólo se puede presentar un original por participante, que serán de carácter original y no deberán ser premiados, ni publicados anteriormente. Las obras que según criterio del jurado puedan ser iguales o similiars a obras conocidas, serán inmediatamente descalificados.
4 Las obras pueden ser realizadas en cualquier técnica pictórica con un formato máximo de un DIN-A3 (420x297 mm) o proporcional. También pueden participar obras en formato digital. En este caso las obras deberán tener una resolución mínima de 300 pp en formato jpg
5 Si la obra presentada, contiene cualquier tipo de texto, este deberá ser traducido al castellano o catalán.
6 Las obras deberán ser remitidas en un sobre debidamente cerrado y se adjuntará una ficha con los datos del autor (nombre, apellidos, dirección, nacionalidad, telefono, direccion e-mail, etc, o bien a través de Internet a la siguiente dirección de e-mail  con un archivo adjunto con los datos del autor. En la página web de , existe una hoja de inscripción. Se recomienda que las obras enviadas que no sean digitales, sean fotocopias en color, pero firmadas a mano. Todas las copias originales serán devueltas al autor una vez finalizado el concurso.
7 El plazo de admisión de las obras finalizará el 8 de Mayo de 2011.
8 A partir del día 12 de Mayo de 2011, las obras serán expuestas en las tiendas inscritas dentro la Associació de l’Eix Comercial de Lleida, debidamente señalizadas. Previamente se constituirá un jurado especializado formado por un representante de Humoràlia, un representante de l’Eix y dos miembros profesionales que valorarán las 200 mejores obras que se expondrán. Estas obras también permanecerán expuestas en la web de la Asociación del Eix Comercial. El Jurado se reserva el derecho de declarar desierto el premio si la calidad de los originales no es suficiente, así como la participación de los mismos en el veredicto del concurso, si el voto popular es mínimo.
9 El autor se compromete a ceder los derechos de imagen de la obra presentada para su publicación y exposición tanto física, como digital, así como por la publicación de éstas en un catálogo, que se podrá descargar desde la web de Humoreix. Una vez fallado y finalizado la obra enviada físicamente se devolverá a su autor. La organización se compromete a la no utilización de la imagen de la obra ganadora sin autorización previa del autor, así como las demás obras no premiadas en otros eventos o publicaciones que no sean exclusivas de humor. También la organización se hace cargo y cuidado de los originales desde el momento de la recepción hasta la finalización del concurso. La organización se compromete a informar de la recepción y la aceptación de la obra participante a sus autores a través de e-mail o publicación en la web del Eix.
10 se otorgará un premio único de 1500 euros para el ganador
11 El voto será popular en una primera fase a través de votaciones de e-mail en la web de l’Eix Comercial. Sólo se admitirá un voto por persona. Posteriormente, de las 3 obras más votadas por el público, se decidirá la obra ganadora, a través de un jurado calificado compuesto por representantes de l’Eix Comercial de Lleida y de Humoràlia. La decisión del jurado será inapelable.
12 El veredicto se dará a conocer durante los días 3 y 4 de Junio de 2011, dentro de la actividad de caricaturistas a l’Eix.
13 La participación en el concurso supone la aceptación de sus bases y plazos. Cualquier duda o problema que pueda surgir durante este tiempo, la organización a través de sus miembros dará solución a este, mediante un comunicado.
Lleida, 07 de Abril de 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The First International Biennial of Resistance Cartoon/ Animation Contest

1-cartoon Theme: Resistance to Occupation?
2-comic strip
This course: Creating the occupier characters
Animation works would be send on C.D, without restriction period and technique
Cartoon Size: minA4, maxA3
Entries:5 works
Please write your name, surname, and address, phone number in Email or in backside of each work.
Sent works could be won in other contest.
first prize:1000$+diploma + statuette
Second prize: 500 $ + diploma + statuette
Third prize: 250 $ + diploma + statuette
And 5 selected prize: diploma + statuette
Deadline:1. Sep.2011
Ashtab - martyr Montazeri Crossroads-Foundation for Preservation of Monuments and Publishing Values of Sacred Defense-Tabriz- Iran
Zip code: 51396-13117
Tel: +98?+411 284 30 94


International humour in art with with their partners Boechout Municipality, Boechout Cultural Council, DF-Boechout-Vremde and with the cooperation of the Muzeum Kolejnictwa in Warschau (Poland) are pleased to announce their : 1. Subject: 'TRAINS AND STATIONS'
2. Deadline: 15th June 2011
3. Prizes:
1st prize: 2000 € Special Prize Museum Kolejnictwa Warszawa
2nd prize: 1500 € Prize George van Raemdonck - Boechout Municipality
3rd prize: 750 € Cultural Council
4th prize: 500 € ZEPPO
5th prize: 250 € IHA
6th prize: 150 € DF-Boechout-Vremde
.... other prizes possible, they will be announced on the website ....
4. Entries:
Initially each participant can send before 15.06.2011, at most 10 works in digital form via Internet to the following address: The author must indicate in his e-mail the following information: his first name, last name, his complete address, his e-mail address, his phone number, his birth date, the category and the title or the number of each work. The characteristics of these electronic sending are as follows: format JPEG, good quality and max. 500 KB per picture. The organizers agree the sending of originals by post for those who do not have a computer.
Out of these e-mails the jury will make a selection of 100-150 drawings and will request from the authors of these works the sending by mail of the originals for the choice of the prizes and the publication in the catalogue. All these originals will be shown in the exhibition and in the catalogue. Their size will be DIN A4 (210x297mm), good quality paper, not folded and without a passe-partout.
On the back side of every work must be clearly mentioned the first name, last name, complete address, e-mail address, phone number, birth date of the author, the category as well as the title or the number of the work. This deadline is 31st of July 2011.
5. Technique:
Free, black and white or in color, without subtitles. The organizers prefer classic cartoon artwork but digitally created works are accepted but will not be send back. They must be signed by their creator on the back side and be numbered by 1/1. Photos and copies of original works will be eliminated.
6. Exhibition:
The award ceremony will be held on Friday the 30th of September 2011 in Theater Boechout Vooruit, St.-Bavoplein 17, Boechout were also the exhibition will take place in the Foyer from the 1st of October until the 30th of October 2011 during the events in the Theater (see: ) and also specially on Tuesday the 4th of October (Annual Market Day and Boechout Fair) from 10 until 17 u. and on Sunday the 30th of October 2011 from 13 until 17 h.
It's foreseen to show the works in the Muzeum Kolejnictwa In Warschau Poland (opening ceremony on Friday the 18th of November 2011) and in other cities and countries.
7. Returns:
After these exhibitions the originals will be returned to their authors except the works selected for one of the prizes. The awarded works will become property of the organizer. The organizer cannot be held responsible for the loss or damage of the return postage.
8. Catalogue:
The authors whose works will be selected for the exhibition will receive a free catalogue by mail together with his work(s). Prize winners will get their catalogue during the award ceremony.
9. Results:
The publication of the results will be done on the website after 30th of September 2011. The award winners selected by the jury will be personally informed by e-mail or by phone. The final decisions of the jury, which will meet on the 6th of August 2011, are incontestable.
10. Copyright:
The selected participants allow the organizers to use their works only for promoting the author, as well as the event. All other copyright remains property of the author.
11. Generalities:
The works should not have been awarded before. By taking part to this contest the participants agree to the abovementioned rules.
12. Address to send the originals to:
Culturele dienst gemeente BOECHOUT
George van Raemdonck Kartoenale
Jef van Hoofplein 20
B2530 Boechout
13. Further information:
Ronald Vanoystaeyen

Cartooning for JAPAN , letter from FECO

Dear Colleagues,
The situation of Japanese people is really serious. We from FECO wish to help them even if it is in a modest fashion. So we are going to start an action as you can see on attach.
We ask for your cooperation or from other cartoonists you know.
Many thanks and have a good time!
Marlene Pohle
FECO vice-president general

FECO wants to get involved in a new -and urgent- solidarity action. The action is about Japan, and anyway everyone knows the question.
In fact, we are launching two actions :
1 - First action
At the initiative of FECO Japan, Yoshiaki Yoakota, president and No-rio Yamanoi, vice-president, we want to express our solidarity with the people of Japan. The cartoonists can send their works about Japan or on a free theme to the address :
These cartoons will be printed and pinned up on the walls of the refuges for japanese victims. They will be also published on the local papers.
2 - Second action
We want to organize an exhibition including artworks by FECO members or not FECO members. The works will be offered for purchase and the total income will be given to an institution responsible to help victims of the japanese disaster even if it is in a modest fashion.
Zoran Petrovic, in charge of the layout of the FECO Bulletin, suggested this idea, then you can send your works at his post address :
Zoran Petrovic . Karlstrasse 65 . 76137 Karlsruhe . Germany
We ask everyone who wants to help us for one or several cartoons, preferently originals ; you can send also digital cartoons, but the print out must be signed by the artist. The theme is free, but please, write your name and your address , and your e-mail address on the back of the cartoon.
The exhibition will be held about the middle of April at the gallery EigenArt in Karlsruhe, Germany, were the showroom will be kindly reserved for us, free of charge.
With the help of the press, we could attract the population of the area and if possible it could be spread out more (national and international).
The works (originals or signed print out) must be sent by April 12th 2011.

Monday, April 04, 2011

IV. Baja Cartoon Competition - Hungary 2011

The town of Baja – famous for its Fish Soup Contest ( - organises its fourth cartoon competition, and this second time it goes international! Every fun loving amateur or professional cartoonist is welcome to enter the event.
Theme: Angler wife and hunter wife
Competition details:
1.) Participants can submit up to three original cartoons in A/4 or A/3 size, using any technique. Prints of cartoons produced or coloured with software can also be submitted on condition that it has the cartoonist’s original signature and the print’s serial number.
2.) The participants should write their name, address, phone number and e-mail address on the back of the cartoons.
3.) Deadline for entries: 20. June, 2011.
4.) Postal address for entries (please note the order!):
István Kelemen
Bajza J. u. 19.
5.) For information or enquiries about the competition contact:
Phone: +36 20 426 58 82
6.) Participants whose works are selected by the jury for the catalogue will receive a catalogue via post.
7.) First prize: 500 USD + certification - Courtesy of the mayor of Baja
Second prize: 300 USD + certification - Courtesy of Magyar Vadaszlap hunting magazine
Third prize: 300 USD + certification - Courtesy of Kedvenc crosswords magazine
Special award: 300 USD + certification - for the Hungaryan cartoonist - Courtesy of Pannon
Presztizs magazine
+ 5 certification
8.) The time of jury for decision making: 24th June, 2011.
The decision of jury is irreversible.
9.) The opening ceremony and prize distribution will be at 17 a.m. 08. July, 2011.
Address: Bacska Kulturpalota (Bacska Culture Hall) - Szentharomsag ter, Baja, 6500, Hungary
10.) For the list and works of participants and for any other information visit:
11.) The organiser retains the right to use the cartoons freely.
12.) We do not send back the cartoons, we are planning to make an exhibition from them.
We wish good work and succesfull participation to everyone.