Friday, December 31, 2010

The "Gruppo Grafico Marosticense" announces and organizes the 43th International Graphic Humour Exhibition "Umoristi a Marostica 2011".

Il Gruppo Grafico Marosticense indice e organizza la 43ª Rassegna Internazionale di Grafica Umoristica "Umoristi a Marostica 2011". Regolamento
1. Il concorso è aperto a cartoonists, illustratori e grafici di tutto il mondo. Si può richiedere di partecipare fuori concorso. Tale richiesta esclude l'autore dall'assegnazione dei premi.
2. Il tema del concorso è: INTERNET
3. Ogni autore può partecipare con un massimo di 3 opere (Cartoons o Strips) inerenti al tema proposto in rapporto all'uomo e alla società in cui vive, visto in chiave umoristica.
Le opere, per poter essere interpretate e comprese in tutto il mondo oltre ogni barriera linguistica, dovranno essere prive di dialoghi o battute.
Le opere, realizzate con qualsiasi tecnica, devono essere presentate in originale o con stampe firmate e numerate dall'autore. Non sono accettate fotocopie.
Il formato è libero, entro un massimo di cm. 60x60.
Le opere dovranno riportare sul retro il nome, cognome, indirizzo ed email dell'autore oltre all'eventuale titolo.
4. Il termine ultimo per l'ammissione in concorso è fissato al 18 gennaio 2011 (farà fede il
timbro postale). Le opere, accompagnate dalla scheda di partecipazione, dovranno pervenire, in porto franco e
prive di cornici, all'indirizzo: UMORISTI A MAROSTICA - PIAZZA CASTELLO 12 - 36063 MAROSTICA (VI) - ITALIA
5. L'accettazione delle opere, la selezione e l'assegnazione dei premi è di esclusiva competenza della Giuria nominata dal Gruppo Grafico Marosticense.
Il giudizio della Giuria è insindacabile e inappellabile.
6. La Giuria assegnerà il "Gran Premio Internazionale Scacchiera" e
12 Premi speciali "Umoristi a Marostica".
Premio speciale "Sandro Carlesso" (per la sperimentazione grafica)
Premio speciale "Marco Sartore" (per autore storico)
Eventuali premi straordinari o segnalazioni di merito saranno assegnati a discrezione della giuria.
7. I risultati della Giuria saranno resi noti a tutti gli autori partecipanti con email o a mezzo posta nonché pubblicati sul sito web entro febbraio 2011
8. L'inaugurazione e le premiazioni avranno luogo il giorno 16 aprile 2011 presso il Castello Inferiore di Marostica. L'esposizione resterà aperta fino al 29 maggio 2011.
9. Agli autori selezionati sarà inviata una copia del catalogo della Rassegna. Tutti gli altri partecipanti non selezionati potranno richiedere il catalogo compilando il modulo sul sito
10. Le opere premiate e segnalate non saranno restituite e resteranno di proprietà della fondazione del "Museo di Umoristi a Marostica". Saranno restituite solo le opere in originale degli autori selezionati al termine dell'esposizione ea spese del Gruppo Grafico Marosticense. Le opere degli autori non selezionati e le stampe non saranno restituite. Gli autori selezionati potranno comunque donare le opere al "Museo di Umoristi a Marostica"
11. Il Gruppo Grafico Marosticense si riserva il diritto di riprodurre e diffondere le opere a mezzo stampa e/o altro mezzo di comunicazione citando l'autore con la dicitura "Da Umoristi a Marostica", senza previsione di compenso alcuno. Pur assicurando massima cura delle opere, si declina ogni responsabilità per eventuali danni o manomissioni durante il trasporto.
12. La partecipazione al Concorso implica la piena accettazione del presente Regolamento. Umoristi a Marostica 2011
Tema: Internet
Scadenza: 18 gennaio 2011
Giuria: 5-6 febbario 2011
Inaugurazione e premiazione: 16 aprile 2011
Esposizione: 16 aprile -29 maggio 2011
Giuria 2011
Massimo Bucchi -grafico -Presidente Matteo Bertelli -illustratore Ferruccio Giromini -giornalista Valeri Kurtu -cartoonist (Germania) Elzbieta Pietraszko -curatrice Satyrykon (Polonia) Alessandro Tich -giornalista Piero Zanotto -giornalista
Gruppo Grafico Marosticense e Assessore alla Cultura Comune di Marostica Gióx & Maurizio Minoggio -cartoonists direttori artistici "Umoristi a Marostica"
The "Gruppo Grafico Marosticense" announces and organizes the 43th International Graphic Humour Exhibition "Umoristi a Marostica 2011".

1. The contest is open to all the cartoonists, illustrators and graphic artists from all over the world. It's possible to participate out of the competition. That request excludes the author from award of the prizes.
2. The theme of the contest is: INTERNET
3. The authors can participate with a maximum of 3 works (Cartoons or Strips) inherent to the theme proposed in connection with the man, his existence and the society, seen in humorous view-point.
The works, for being able to be comprised all over the world beyond every linguistic barrier, will have to be without dialogue or texts.
The works, realized with free technique, should be originals or digital prints numbered and signed by the author.
The photocopies will not be accepted.
The format of works is free, within a maximum of 60x60 cm.
The works should bear the author's name, surname, address, email and possible title on the back.
4. The deadline for works reception is january 18, 2011 (based on the postmark). The works, accompanied by the author's entry-form, must be sent (pastage paid by the sender and without frames or glass) to the following address:
5. The acceptance of the works, the selection, and the assigning of the prizes are completely up to the Jury nominated by "Gruppo Grafico Marosticense". The Jury's decisions are final.
6. The Jury will award the following prizes:
"International Grand Prix Scacchiera"
12 Special prizes "Umoristi a Marostica".
Special prize "Sandro Carlesso" (for the graphic research)
Special prize "Marco Sartore" (for well-known author)
Other special prizes or honorary mentions may be awarded.
7. The results of the Jury will be given directly to all the participating artists by email or mail and published on the web site within february 2011
8. The opening ceremony and the prize distribution will have place on april 16, 2011 at Castello Inferiore of Marostica. The exhibition will remain opened till 29 may, 2011.
9. All the authors selected will receive a free copy of catalogue. All the other participants not selected will be able to demand the catalogue compiling the module on the site
10. The prize-winning works will not returned and will be included in the collection of "Umoristi a Marostica Museum". Only the original works of authors selected will be returned after the exhibition and with postage paid by "Gruppo Grafico Marosticense". The works of authors not selected and all the digital prints will not returned. The authors selected will be able to give their works to "Umoristi a Marostica Museum" in any case.
11. The "Gruppo Grafico Marosticense" reserves the right to authorize the reproduction of the work citing the author with the words "Taken from Umoristi a Marostica", without any payment. The "Gruppo Grafico Marosticense" is not responsible for transport damages.
12. The participation in the contest implies the complete acceptance of all the conditions and rules from the author.
Timetable Umoristi a Marostica 2011
Theme: Internet
Deadline: january 18, 2011
Jury meeting: february 5-6, 2011
Opening and prize distribution: april 16, 2011
Exhibition: april 16 -may 29, 2011
Jury 2011
Massimo Bucchi -graphic artist -President
Matteo Bertelli -illustrator
Ferruccio Giromini -journalist
Valeri Kurtu -cartoonist (Germany)
Elzbieta Pietraszko -Satyrykon organizer (Poland)
Alessandro Tich -journalist
Piero Zanotto -journalist
Gruppo Grafico Marosticense and City Culture coincillor of Marostica
Gióx and Maurizio Minoggio -cartoonists artistic directors of "Umoristi a Marostica"

Sunday, December 26, 2010

International Fadjr Cartoon Contest 2011

Dear Sir

merry Christmas and happy new year,it is honor for us to invite you to participate in International Fadjr Cartoon Contest
The deadline is 5th January 2011,so we have a little time.
please send us 5 cartoons by free subject to this email:

We will be so pleased to see your works as soon
You could find the regulation:
Faithfully yours,
Massoud Shojai Tabatabai
Director of Irancartoon web site
Manager of The Iranian House of Cartoon

Sunday, December 12, 2010


II CONCURSO DE HUMOR GRÁFICO Unión de Federaciones Deportivas de Cataluña
La Unión de Federaciones Deportivas de Cataluña informa de su concurso de dibujo y de humor gráfico abierto a todos los artistas, cuyo tema es el deporte.
Dibujo de deportivo
Premio único de 3.000 €, y dos menciones honoríficas con un premio de 1.000 € cada una

Humor gráfico
Premio de 1.500 € y un segundo premio de 1.000 €.
Las obras se deben presentar antes del 28 febrero de 2011, a la sede de la Unión de Federaciones Deportivas de Cataluña, Rambla de Cataluña, 81 pral. 08008 Barcelona, y para el Humor gráfico también se pueden enviar por correo electrónico a:
Para más información:

The Unió de Federacions Esportives de Catalunya (Catalan Union of Sports Federations) announces its 1st International Sports Drawing Competition which is open to all artists and whose theme is sport in general.
The competition will be biennial, and is intended to bring sport closer to the work of artists in order to extend and promote drawing as an expression of sport.
The works can be presented until February 28.
The Union also announces its 3rd Sports Graphic Humour Competition which is open to all works published in the print media or on the Internet and all unpublished works submitted to the Unió de Federacions Esportives de Catalunya prior to the deadline established in the competition rules.

Sports Drawing
There will be a single indivisible prize of €3,000 (three thousand Euros), and two honourable mentions with a prize of €1,000 each, to be awarded by a majority vote of the jury.

Sports Humour
There will be a prize of €1,500 (one thousand five hundred Euros) and a second prize of €1,000 (one thousand Euros), both to be awarded by a majority vote of the jury.

You will find all the requirements for entries, the prizes, the jury and the other features of the competition in the attached document
More information:

The 7th International Cartoon Contest SYRIA 2011

Under auspices of the Syrian Ministry of Information
Syria Cartoon website presents:
The 7th International Cartoon Contest SYRIA 2011

• Theme: Plastic Surgery
• Only 1 cartoon, A4, 300 dpi, JPG/JPEG and free techniques.

• Deadline: 20 / 2 / 2011

• Prizes: Golden, Silver, Bronze and 5 Special Prizes.
• Only cartoons which will be selected for the exhibition, will receive certificate and the contest album.
• Jury members will be considered as participants in the exhibition and represent their own countries. Their names will be automatically added to the List of Participants.
• Cartoons can be used for any promotion purposes (printing, websites, posters, invitation cards....etc) without the permission of the artist and without any payment.
• Cartoons with sexual or nudity contents will not enter the contest.
• Cartoons must be sent to:
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it along with
artist’s recent C.V, address(doc format ), and personal photo.
• Results and contest album (PDF) will be published on
Syria Cartoon website:
Raed Khalil
President and Director
Thank you for participation
syriacartoon website:
Tel: (+963) 944-704973
مسابقة سورية الدولية السابعة للكاريكاتور 2011
برعاية وزارة الإعلام السورية، يدعوكم موقع الكاريكاتور السوري إلى المشاركة بالمسابقة الدولية السابعة للكاريكاتور - سورية 2011
الموضوع: عمليات التجميل
1- عمل كاريكاتوري واحد
الصيغة JPEG، و 300 dpi -حجم اللوحة 21×29 سم.
2- الموعد النهائي: 20/2/2011
3- الأعمال المختارة في المعرض ستحصل على ألبوم المعرض
4- ستوزع العديد من الجوائز الذهبية والفضية والبرونزية و5 جوائز خاصة.
5- يعد أعضاء لجنة التحكيم مشاركين في قائمة الفنانين المشاركين، وتدخل دولهم أتوماتيكياً في قائمة الدول المشاركة.
6- تستخدم أعمال الفنانين المشاركة في البوسترات والمجلات والصحف والمواقع الالكترونية السورية دون إذن مسبق من الفنان ودون أي تعويض.
7- الرسوم ذات المحتوى الجنسي أوالإباحي لن تدخل المسابقة.
8- ترسل الرسوم إلى البريد التالي:
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
9 - تنشر النتائج وألبوم المعرض في موقع الكاريكاتور السوري فور إعلان النتائج.
مع تمنياتنا للجميع بالنجاح
رائد خليل
مدير المسابقة

Friday, December 10, 2010


The Subject of the Contest: Job Accidents in the Construction Industry
The Aim of the Contest: The construction industry is known as one of the most hazardous industries.
One of the main problems of the construction industry is job site accidents accidents causing crew death and major injuries.
Accident rates in this industry are one of the highest across all over the industries.
Besides causing human tragedy and economic losses, construction accidents also affect the productivity and reputation of the construction industry.
The aim of this contest is to focus on the construction accidents through cartoons and increase the safety awareness in this industry.
1. The competition is open to professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.
2. The cartoons that focus on the subject of construction accidents can be prepared by any technique and with any color.
Cartoons should be prepared either in A4 (210mm x 297mm) or A3 (297mmX420mm) paper dimensions.
3. Caricatures prepared in digital format can also participate in this contest, however print outs signed by the cartoonists
should be sent for the competition.
4. Caricaturists can participate in this contest with a maximum of 3 cartoons.
5. Name, surname, birth date, postal adress, phone number and e-mail adress should be written on the reverse side of each cartoon.
6. The cartoonists are free to participate with already published works as long as these works have not previously been awarded in any other contest.
7. The works must reach the organizing association not later than 30/January/2011

Address :
“Anadolu Universitesi Insaat Muhendisligi Bolumu, 2 Eylul Kampusu, Eskisehir,Turkey”.

The organizing association will not be responsible for the postal delays.

First Prize ( 1000 US Dollars )
Second Prize ( 750 US Dollars )
Third Prize ( 500 US Dollars )
5 Honour Prizes ( Honour Certificate)

9. Selection Committee:
Prof. Dr. Davut AYDIN (President-Anadolu University)
Prof. Atila OZER (Director of Anadolu University Research Center for Cartoon Art)
Hikmet CERRAH (Caricaturist)
Sani SENER (TAV Construction Company)
Erdal EREN (President of Turkish Contructors Associations and Gocay Construction Company,CEO)
Emin SAZAK (Yuksel Construction Company,CEO)
Ahmet TUNCAN (Anadolu University, Chairman of Civil Engineering Department, Prof.Dr.)
Gokhan ARSLAN (Anadolu University, Vice Chairman of Civil Engineering Department, Assoc.Prof.Dr.)

10. The selected cartoons will be exhibited.
The prizes will be given in the exhibition opening.
11. One album of cartoons that will be determined by the selection committee will be sent to the cartoonists.
12. Cartoons will not be returned to the artists. Once sent the works belong to the organizing committee.
It can be published, distributed or used for promotional purpose in future.
The cartoons may be used for promotional purposes:cards,posters, catalogs, newspapers, magazine and books etc.
13. Participants are considered to have accepted all these conditions.

Monday, December 06, 2010

X Euro- Fruitcartoonnale SINT- TROUIDEN 2011/ BELGIUM

Everybody can participate at this Eurofruit-cartoontest. The participants agree with the regulations and the decisions of the jury. The jury has the right to refuse works for ethical reasons.
All humorous situations about things, actions, emotions, people and events on the theme Fruit: Feel good in the Mood, used in a positive and artistic way are eligible. Texts may not be used to bring the message in the drawing. Only original drawings linked to Haspengouws * Fruit (pears, apples, plums, cherries, strawberries, raspberries ... see site: qualify on prices. It is forbidden to send in works that have been awarded before, and works that are subjected to third-party rights.
Number of works: maximum 5 (without frame)
Dimensions: only A4 size (297x210 mm).
All imaging and graphical techniques are allowed.
Please write on the back side of every cartoon in capital letters: Name, first name, address, telephone, fax, mobile number and e-mail-address. By participating, participants give the organisation the right to participate at the differents exhibitions (not-commercial) and publishing the works in the catalogue. The rewarded en nominated works remain the organizers
property. Non-rewarded works will resend- on demand- after 15/12/2011.
SEND BY POST before February 9th 2011 (thoroughly packed and not
folded) and sufficiently prepaid to:
and money prices €1000, € 300, €200, €200
Several special prices
Baskets with fruit for all the winners
Certificates for all the nominations
Saturday april 2th 2011 at 8 pm in Cultural Centre “de bogaard” Capucienessenstraat 8, 3800 Sint-Truiden. The participants whose works are nominated and rewarded will be personally invited. All cartoonists who are present receive a cartoon book free of charge.
The selected works will be exposed from monday 4th of April until 30th of April 2011 in the white hall of the cultural centre “de bogaard”, Capucienessenstraat 8 in 3800 Sint-Truiden.
Voorzitter Eurofruitcartoonale
Maarschalk Keizerlijke Commanderie
TEL 0032 (0)11 68 92 59 ( 8-18U30)
FAX 0032 (0)11 68 92 59